
I’m a high school math teacher in the Chicago ‘burbs. I also coach the math team and am the class sponsor for the class of 2011. Once in a while I also do some consulting on math curriculum work.

I’m still trying to figure out how to best serve my students: to help them become students of mathematical thought. Every single student. I’m not there yet but I’m working on it. I’m also trying to figure out how to do this job well (and stay sane in the process).

I play with “Web 2.0” tools for my own learning and diversion. I’m still trying to figure out how/if/when to use them in the classroom.

You can contact me at jackie(dot)ballarini(at)gmail.com.  Or if you’re so inclined, I’m jackieb on Twitter.

This content of this site is the sole responsibility of the author only and in no way reflects the opinions of the district and/or school for whom I work (is the disclaimer clear enough?).

10 Responses to About

  1. jd2718 says:

    Jackie1618? I bet you thought I wouldn’t notice!

    Best of luck with the blog.


  2. Jackie says:


    1618 in no way reflects your use of the ratio. My ratio in your system would probably look too much like pi. I just needed a number and generally like phi.

  3. jd2718 says:

    Oh no, I didn’t mean that. In fact, I was using 2718 already, and wanted a way to communicate the size of the issue without reference to grams or ounces or pounds or poods, so I ratioed my own irrational approximation. I picked 2718 because I like it (and because in high school other geeks already knew lots of digits of pi. So I picked a lesser chosen transcendental…)


  4. mathmom says:

    Hi Jackie! Glad to see you have your own blog now. I added you to my rss aggregator.

  5. Jerry Anderson says:


    If you want to add Facebook or email sharing buttons to your blog posts, there’s a plugin that does it for you:


    Hope you find it helpful!


  6. Ila says:


    I wanted to share information about MangaHigh.com with you.

    MangaHigh.com is a new math website, endorsed by well known Mathematician Marcus du Sautoy. Teachers have been really excited about MangaHigh.com, and finding it to be a great learning tool to use within their curriculum. Students find MangaHigh.com to be a fantastic tool to help them study and improve their maths.

    I am very keen to gain your thoughts on MangaHigh.com as well as know if you could share MangaHigh.com with your community.

    Below you will find some text, and I could send through an image that you may find useful for creating a link on your site, if that is possible.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,

    Mangahigh.com is a games-based learning site focusing on math for secondary school students.

    Mangahigh’s games are designed with math at their core and feature commercial-quality gameplay, rewarding students with achievements that celebrate their progress. Through gameplay, Mangahigh aims to provoke students to explore sophisticated math concepts and reinforce skills through repetition. The games are supported by Prodigi, the world’s first adaptive math learning engine.

    ::links with their related anchor text

    Free Math Games. No registration required.
    Save Our Dumb Planet – Algebra Game
    Flower Power Number Games!
    Pyramid Pani
    c Geometry Games!

    Bidmas Blaster Number Games!
    Ice Ice Maybe Algebra Games!
    Online Math Games!

  7. David says:

    Hi Jackie,

    Just wanted to let you know that I responded about your question about printing the puzzles.


  8. Eldhose says:


    Your site is really intresting, will add it to my blogroll…hope that’s ok.
    I have a almost similar site of puzzles, pls check it and if you find it useful,
    then please provide a link back



  9. Jake Byrnes says:

    Help us promote math education with the Math Video Challenge!

    Dear Jackie,

    As a proponent of math education in the United States, we need your help to promote our nationwide math competition by blogging or posting about it on your blog/forum.

    As you probably already know, despite the fact that the US spends the most money on education per capita, our students are ranked 25th globally for math proficiency. The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving that statistic. MATHCOUNTS’ third annual “ Math Video Challenge” is a math competition for 6th to 8th graders that encourages student innovation as they create and star in their own math videos, thus exciting them to pursue higher education in math.

    As the webmaster of Continuities, we are asking you to help support this effort by mentioning us in your next blog or forum post or promoting our logo with a link to the site. So far this contest has gathered over 500 submissions and millions of views on the videos. Our goal this year is this year is to do even better. With your help, we are confident we will reach this goal.

    For more information on MATHCOUNTS or the Math Video Challenge, visit our webpages at mathcounts.org and videochallenge.mathcounts.org/math-camera-action.



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